
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Field Trip Tomorrow

We are all set and ready to go on our exciting field trip tomorrow!  We have spent some time learning about how plants grow, both with our own seeds and our terrariums.  Now it's time to see some nature in action!  The Holden Arboretum is a beautiful place, and we are very fortunate to have the opportunity to return.

Some things to keep in mind for our trip:

* Students may dress down.  This means dress for the weather and plan to be outside most of the day!
* Please arrive to school on time tomorrow.  We will be leaving right after our awards assembly in the morning.
* Remember, if you did not sign up for a lunch from school, you must bring one.  You are more than welcome to use a lunch box, but I recommend a disposable grocery or brown bag as it is less for the students to remember to bring home with them.
* Be ready to have fun and learn!

See you in the morning!

-Mrs. H

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