
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Compare and Contrast: M&Ms and Skittles

As you know, we have been working on the very important skill of comparing and contrasting.  That is the say, to analyze how two things (items, characters, books, events, etc.) are alike and different.  This is an important skill to have when reading anything critically, in literature or informational text.

Earlier this week, we had the opportunity to analyze M&Ms and Skittles.  The students were very engaged in exploring these two candies!  They began with their own individual investigations, met with their teams to discuss further, and finally all the teams came together and we created one, big Venn diagram.

Once we had all of this information organized and in front of us, we took it to the writing process.  We wrote some wonderful paragraphs focusing heavily on a topic sentence supported by details.
(And of course, enjoyed a tasty snack while we wrote.)

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