
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dear Mrs. Huminsky...

     In language arts today, we practiced letter writing.  Not just any letters, but special "getting to know you" letters!  First, we reviewed the five parts of a letter (date, greeting, body, closing, and signature).  Then the students read a letter from me with some interesting facts about their new teacher.  Finally, it was their turn to write and tell me interesting facts about themselves. They did a wonderful job!  I brought them home so I could read and respond to each one:

Great job!


  1. Hi!mrs huminsky i am so happy that you are my teacher. i had fun today .

    1. Me too! See you tomorrow! :)

    2. i had fun today because we played with the dry erasebords , we got to read and you readed to us

  2. Awesome! I think Little House in the Big Woods is going to be a great book!

  3. I like the book too!!!!!!!

  4. I am looking forward to what happens next. I hope they are storing enough food for the cold, Wisconsin winter!

  5. hi class i saw my house today and i had fun unpacking i want you guys to come over on the 15 in aperal for a beach party! i want to viset on the 14 of febuary to do the sience thing with you guys thats when i can see all of you guys. i will see you later. robert

    1. Moving to a new house is very exciting! Definitely keep in touch with room 407!

  6. hi mrs.huminskys class make shore josia,kevin and lucus is lisening i love my new school and i play for the huskys at my school i wanted to know if josia,kevin and lucas has knone them or beated them befor and it is getting very anoiing with the pow papers i mite vizet 1 day and i could not text with the broken computer so it was a loge time i miss you guys so much. robert

    1. Hello Robert! I am so very happy that you like your new school! We miss you too! Keep in touch!

  7. I DID KEEP IN TOUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-_- FACE I MADE UP-_- ;0:0:):D:<:>:/:, :d :(=:( =:) DRAW THEES 13 FACES
